通风系统的主要功能是排除实验室空间的有害气体、蒸汽、灰尘,并输入经处理的新鲜空气,创造舒适、健康的实验室工作环境。按照其作用可分为全面通风、局部通风、混合通风。 全面通风:在整个房间内,全面地进行空气交换。有害物在很大范围内产生并扩散的房间,就需要全面通风,以排出有害气体或送人大量的新鲜空气,将有害气体浓度冲淡到允许浓度以内。 局部通风:将污浊空气或有害物气体直接从产生的部位抽出,防止扩散到全室;或将新鲜空气送到某个局部地区,改善局部地区的环境条件。当车间内某些设备产生大量危害人体健康的有害气体时,采用全面通风不能冲淡到允许浓度或采用全面通风很不经济时,可采用局部通风。 混合通风:是指用全面的送风和局部排风,或全面的排风和局部的送风混合起来的通风形式。 ventilation system's main function is to eliminate laboratory space harmful gas,steam,dust,and input the treatment ofresh air,createa comfortable and healthy laboratory work environment.According to its function,these can be divided into comprehensive ventilation,local ventilation,mixing ventilation. Comprehensive ventilation:Air comprehensively exchange in the whole room.lfpests in large range produce and spread all overroom,it is necessary to have a comprehensive ventilation,to discharge harmful gas,or for a large number of fresh air,the harmful gasconcentration dilution to allow within concentration. Local ventilation:Foul air or harmful gas will draw out directly from the spare parts,prevent spreading whole room;0Or the fresh airwill send to a certain local areas.improve local environmental conditions.When the shop in some equipment produce a lot of harmfulgas to human health,when the overall ventilation cannot dilute to allow concentration or comprehensive ventilation is not economic.local ventilation can solve. Mixing ventilation:refers to with the comprehensive supply and local exhaust,or comprehensive exhaust and locaol supply air mixingventilation form. >通风系统技术参数 The technical parameters of ventilation system 总体参数: General parameters: 1.实验室的通风换气次数每小时8-20次。 2.支管内风不速取6-12m/s,千管内风速取8-14m/s。 3,通风设备设计风量: 单台1500排毒柜设计排风量为1500m3/h; 单台1800排毒柜设计排风量为1800m3/h; 单台万向排烟罩设计排风量为200~300m3/h; 单台300x300mm抽风罩设计排风量为800m3/h。 通风柜视窗上下拉动时,面风速始终保持在0.4~0.6m/s 系统均为中低压系统:500<P≤1500。 1.The lab ventilation exchanges air take 8-20 times perhour. 2.A tube wind take 6 to 12m/s, dry wind pipe take 8 to 14 m/s. 3.Ventilation equipment design volume: *Single 1500 detoxification hood design air output for 1500 m/h; *Single 1800 detoxification hood design air output for 1800 m/h; *Single 300x300mm convulsions cover design air output for 800m/h, shall not be less than 800m/h. The cabinet height of the detoxification hood is 35-40cm, and surface wind speed of cupboard door keep 0.5m/s, The ventilation system are in low voltage system:500<P≤1500 通风系统要求: 1、风机要求 根据通风系统特点选择合适的风机,确保通风效果,保证性能稳定可靠、方便维护、使用寿命长。 2、管路设计要求 风管选用PP/PVC阻燃材质,风管厚度符合中低压风管技术要求。圆管采用承插方式连接,方管采用法兰连接。 3、噪声设计 ①根据国家有关标准,噪声须控制在62dB[A)。 ②消声器进尺寸与风机出一致。消声层厚度不小于50mm。 ③消声器内置玻璃丝布和超细玻璃吸音棉,有不锈钢丝网加固使消声材料不易损坏和被气流吹走,延长消声器使用寿命。具有防腐蚀性作用。 Ventilation system requirements: l, fan requirements lab ventiaionsystem fan are all made of glass fiber reinforced plastic centrifugal fan,using Atransssionusingglass fiber reinforced plastic centrifugal fan,the efficiency ishigh.the curve smooth performance is stable and reliable,and easy maintenancecorrosion resistance,long service life, 2.pipeline design requirements uipeall pnesi pressurethan 50pa,eothe low pressure pipeline.Iln accordance with the relevant national standards.yipPvCmateri.the main ductrem thick.branch mm thick Circular Pvc pipe usingu-n way PvCsquare tube sinfangemode,acrdn to the actual situationaso can use card wayconnection. 3,noise design ①According to the national standard,noise must be controlled under 62 db(A) Muffler import size and fan export agreement.Anechoic layer thickness not less than 50mm.3 Muerbulnool othand superfine glass sound-absorbingon,stainess steel wire mesh reinforcement mark anechoic material is not easy to damage and air blowawayprolongtheseviceifeofmufier.WMthitsanticorosiveaction |