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  • 产品说明


In the lab and other workplace,our research members need to dealwith many combustible liquid chemicals,inflammable liquid chemicalsand corrosive chemicals.To avoid chemical poisonous and accidentalinjury,we have overall series of safety cabinet products:the yellowsafety cabinet series for combustible liquid chemicals,the blue safetycabinet series for low corrosive chemicals,chemical safety storagetank series,the red safety cabinet series for flammable liquid chemicalsseries,the white safety PP cabinet series for strong corrosive liquid

易燃液体安全柜 Flammable Safety Cabinet


Vertical Flammable Safe Cabinet


By storing the dangerous liquids, it can protect workers ,reduce the riskof fire and improve productivity. Design meet with the U.S.OSHA andNFPA STANDARDS, using the structure of lmm double steelwall.38mminsulated air to resist fire.Automatic protection device for fault closingensure that the three-point locking systems can work at the first time.



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